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Aetna Drug Rehab Coverage in Alabama

Aetna Insurance Coverage for Drug Rehab in Alabama. Working on substance abuse recovery and managing mental health disorders that develop in relation to substance abuse requires the right tools and treatment plans. In Alabama, individuals have a variety of options available to address personal concerns and start working on recovery goals. By working with an Aetna insurance policy, you or a dependent loved one have the opportunity to seek professional treatment without exceeding a strict budget plan.

Coverage In Most Policies

The coverage available through Aetna in Alabama often depends on the details of the plan an employer offers. Since the policies are available through employer or group policies, individuals have a variety of options available for substance abuse recovery and mental health disorder treatments.

Regardless of the specific details regarding deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses, and the exact amount of coverage for treatment, most Aetna policies allow individuals to seek treatment for substance abuse and mental health disorders. The coverage usually applies to in-network programs, but some policies also allow individuals to seek treatment at an out-of-network facility as long as they comply with any standards stated in the policy. Keep in mind that out-of-network treatments usually cost more due to a lower level of overall coverage.

Whether you obtain a student policy through your college or you obtain a policy through an employer in Alabama, the details of the coverage depend on the needs of the group and the averages available in your specific situation. Generally, employers offer a few different policies, such as basic and standard policies, so that employees have the option to select more comprehensive coverage solutions.

Options in Alabama Through Employers

In Alabama, small business policies allow employers to set details regarding the coverage options based on the size of the company and the goals of the business. Generally, small business options focus on one-to-one HealthFund policies or open enrollment policies. Aetna allows employers to select policy options that address their specific concerns and offer different levels of coverage.

Since Aetna works with employers of small, mid-size, and large companies, the specific types of policies depend on the size of the company. In most cases, larger companies offer more options or more comprehensive coverage options due to the larger group size. Smaller companies have options that focus on standard and basic healthcare needs, so the coverage for mental health disorders or addiction might not address all of your concerns. Expect variations in the deductible, such as $500 to $5000 per year and co-insurance rates that range from 70 percent to 90 percent of treatment costs. Alabama businesses have a variety of plans available through Aetna, so exact costs and deductibles vary significantly throughout the state.

Evaluating Your Treatment Options

Treating an addiction or a mental health disorder depends on several factors, including the underlying causes of your behavior or the actions of a loved one. For example, if a traumatic experience contributes to substance abuse, then an individual needs a program that specifically addresses trauma as part of the treatment process.

Evaluate personal needs based on interests and goals. For example, consider whether to enter an outpatient program or an inpatient program. Residential programs also offer short-term and long-term treatment options, such as 30-day programs and 90- to 120-day programs, so consider the severity of the mental health disorder and addiction before comparing your options.

Your insurance policy through Aetna also helps because the policy sets limitations on the coverage or clear exceptions for what the policy does not cover. For example, the policy might cover holistic and evidence-based treatments, but it does not always cover alternative medicines or experimental treatments. Evaluate the limitations and exceptions to determine if the policy covers the treatments you want to consider.

Always opt for a program that provides treatment for co-occurring disorders. Mental health disorders often contribute to addiction or complicate treatment, so a program that addresses both concerns can help address potential complications.

Comparing and Selecting a Treatment Program

Contact Us About ServicesTreating an addiction to drugs or alcohol helps improve a personal lifestyle and overall health. Depending on the situation, the best tools to address substance abuse vary. Contact us at to compare your treatment options and find the right program for your goals in Alabama.